22 Aralık 2020 Salı

Project Process

 In this project, which continues 4 months, a running cooperation between participating schools&teacher-student is aimed. First stage is, a fair distribution of work will raise the awareness of the participants and collective action will be achieved. We aim active learning during the COVID19 outbreak, encourage accurate& fun learning by integrating many Web2 tools for both students and teachers into lessons. We're going to use: E-mail system for sharing official documents,WhatsApp to make certain the maintenance of the process coordinately, Google Forms in the application of surveys,Youtube for the work to reach a larger audience,TwinSpace to enable cooperation between partners in different schools, Zoom for organizing online meetings.Collective decisions will be taken throughout the project with all participants. Our schedule will be shared with the attendants& improve the values of the students. Mixed working groups would be formed and tasks would be fulfilled in collaboration.